Federal Tax Identification Number
Federal Tax ID Number
Whether you’re forming a Washington LLC or starting a Washington corporation, a Federal tax identification number will be necessary to have employees in the State of Washington. We can get your FEIN number regardless of where you are in the US. We do this service for people in every state.
If you’re going to charge sales tax in Washington State, you’ll need a Federal tax identification number (a.k.a. FEIN or EIN).
If you’re going to open a bank account in Washington State you’ll want a FEIN number to separate yourself and your business.
When filing for a master business license application it’s best to get an EIN number so you don’t have to use your social security number. If you’re going to collect sales tax and have employees Washington will need the owner’s social security number anyway, but that won’t be how your company is looked up. It will be looked up by your Federal tax identification number.
If you are already a client, you can add a tax id and other services right in your online account! Log into your client account.